Brentwood is a very coveted Los Angeles neighborhood known for being a favorite among celebrities and high net worth individuals. You can find homes that start in in the 2 million dollar range for a fixer, and can go up anywhere to 30 million dollars or more for an estate! It offers everything from canyon homes that are typically ranch and mid-century, to modern, architectural, Spanish really most any style that you would find in Los Angeles. You'll find beautiful estates in the Brentwood Park section. There is also a highly dense condo community that is walkable to the downtown area. Brentwood has an iconic country mart, The Brentwood Country Mart known as much for it's legendary Ready Chik barbeque chicken stand as its high-end boutiques, independent book store, Farmshop, etc. In the downtown area of Brentwood you won't find any fast food restaurants, they aren't allowed. But you find Jon & Vinny's, Baltaire, Toscana, Pizzana, AOC, Sugarfish, Katsuya and other popular and trendy restaurants. See below for school information.